Using Personal Ads


Not About Personal Ad But About Personal Feelings

Today, I wanted to differ from writing about personal ads and how to use a well-writtne personal ad in order to meet the right women and men for you. Instead I want to discuss personal feelings – friendship and interaction between us all as human beings.

What is Friendship?
Friendship is like pissing your pants,
Everyone can see it, but only you feel its true warmth.

Friends (unlike someone you might meet through a personal ad) will not let you drink and subsequently take home ugly dating partners.

A Friend Praying for You
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch!

(And especially for you women:)
A good friend is like a good bra (also like a good personal ad):
Hard to find
Always lifts you up
Makes you look better
And always close to your heart.

I hope you did not mind by slight deviation from writing about the personal ad world and I promise to continue keepting to the topic of personal ads and less to other stuff, however amusing they might be.

Your personal ad friend. (Sorry, I just couldn't resist.)